Over the past week, many important important steps have occurred in my Beijing adventure. 2 of them are depicted here.
1) I ate a duck. The restaurant was in an old courtyard house, meaning in was really neat, but required outerwear during the dining experience.
Please notice the chopsticks. This was my second chopstick-required meal. Not disastrous, but not easy.
See that plate of duck I'm chopstick-pointing at? I ate almost all of it. John only helped with the last little bit.
Check out our spread. In the front - To the left: eggplant yum. Middle: fried duck carcass. Right: garlic broccoli.
2) I am employed. Very part-time. These are the two nice statues that stand guard outside of my building, which is the one behind them and to the right. It is in a complex of lots and lots of towers that look too similar, called Jianwai SOHO. So far I am just scheduled to teach 4 evening classes a week (7-9pm), to a small group of students that are considered to be advanced-intermediate. We will see.
MK: are you guys putting roast duck on tortillas??