Monday, October 11, 2010

Mini-travels keep the feet from itching

Mexico ended, Chapel Hill nourished my craving taste buds, and Clemson put my brain back to work all within a month. Though getting back into the academic groove is proving difficult when I know it will all be over in December, a brief weekend trip up to Maine to meet my brand new, first, best, and cutest niece was a fantastic break. Just a few pictures to illustrate!

Meeting dearest miss Ada Ruth
Granhappy having an atypical baby-holding session with his great-granddaughter
hanging out with Ada
4-generations of women
Granhappy and Dad - cutting lumber for the floor of the second level of the Yentes-Quinn house-to-be
Mom & dad on the partially finished floor
Pretending like I know how to help put down a floor...
The New Family on the New Floor! Success!