Classes out on the varanda with our Profesora, Amelia.
Our improvised gym - one volunteer used to teach circuit aerobics and is passing along his skills. Its awesome. I've been running a lot of mornings with a few other volunteers and my host brother at - gasp - 5:30am.
Namaacha is wonderful! Family is incredibly educational, and soooooooo patient. My host mae sells food down at the Swazi border, so lunches and dinners usually come out of that. I've eaten a lot of delicious peanut-coconut-y sauces, chicken, salads, potatoes, rice. She cooks over coal, so I'm learning how to do that. Showers are bucket baths every morning, and it is "winter" here, so the process can be very chilly.
We've been starting class at 7:30am 6 mornings a week, and usually go until about 4. We usually head out to a bar for a beer for a dinner to do some decompressing, then dinner happens about 8, and I'm in bed and asleep by 9.
More to come!